Sunday, April 29, 2012


Petha - the name itself reminds us of Agra ka Petha whereas delicious Petha can also be prepared from this fruit. Today let’s prepare Petha Halwa.  Petha fruit is white on the outside but smaller than a pumpkin in size.
Ingredients required:

·         Petha - 1 kg
·         Sugar - 250 grams
·         Ghee - 50 grams
·         Mawa(milk powder) - 250 grams
·         Cashew nuts - 2 tbsp(1 nut cut into 5-6 pieces)
·         Coconut - 2 tbsp(grated)
·         Pistachio - 1 tbsp(finely chopped)
·         Almonds - 1 tbsp(finely chopped)

·         Elaichi(cardamom) - 6-8(peeled and grounded)

- How to make Petha Halwa

Peel off the thick skin of the Petha, remove its seed and spongy pulp. Cut the hard pulp of the Petha into large pieces and grate them.
Take a utensil filled with enough water to soak the grated Petha completely. Soak the grated Petha in this water and after washing it 2 times squeeze it.
Place a Kadhai(pan) on the gas and after putting Ghee allow it to heat. Put the water drained Petha in the Ghee and fry. Once the Petha cahnges colour add sugar and cook on a low flame. Stir the Petha and sugar from time to time.


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