Thursday, October 18, 2012

Kesar Kaju

  • 500 gm Kaju (cashew nuts)
  • 300 gm Sugar
  • 1/2 tsp Kesar (saffron)
  • 1/4 tsp Orange Color
  • 2 Chandi Warak

  • Soak the cashew nuts in water for 3 hours.
  • Drain the water from cashew nuts and grind them finely.
  • In a pan, mix sugar and cashew nuts, and roast on low heat, stirring constantly.
  • Add saffron and orange color to the pan and roast them, till the mixture gets cooked properly.
  • Remove the pan from flame.
  • On the rolling board, place butter paper and pour the mixture on it.
  • Now place another butter paper on top, sandwiching the mixture in-between the two papers.
  • Flatten the mixture with the help of a rolling pin, moved over the butter paper.
  • Remove the butter paper from top and place silver warak on top of the barfi.
  • Cut the burfi pieces in diamond shape and serve.


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