Tuesday, October 16, 2012

cabbage paratha

Cabbage paratha

For the stuffing
  • 2-3 cups cabbage (finely chopped)
  • 1 tsp red chilly powder
  • salt to taste
  • Oil
  • For the parathas
  • 2 cups wheat flour
  • salt to taste
  • Ghee or oil
  • How to make stuffed cabbage paratha:
    For the stuffing heat oil in a pan and add chopped cabbage.
  • Now add red chilly powder and salt.Mix well.
  • Cook it covered with a lid till the cabbage is cooked and water evaporates.
  • Kepp the cooked vegetable aside to cool.
  • For the parathas knead the dough by adding salt and enough water so that it is soft and smooth.
  • Take a small portion of the dough and make a ball.
  • Now roll this ball in a shape of a roti.Put the cabbage stuffing on it.
  • Now roll another roti and spread it on top of the first roti and seal the sides with some water on the edges so the stuffing does not come out.
  • Heat a tawa.Place the stuffed paratha gently on the tawa and roast it from both sides by greasing it with oil or ghee.
  • Serve hot with curd,pickles.

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